Monday, May 14, 2007

GOP Has Its Challenger

Dear Friend,

Thank you for voting for me during the May 8th, Primary Election.

Here are the Primary Election Results for Vanderburgh/Evansville (86 of 86 Precincts)

David J. Nixon (R) 651
Aaron M. Ridlen (R) 448

Words cannot express how much I appreciate each and every voter who made an effort to vote for me to continue on in the fall election. Some local newspaper staff writers made every attempt to blast my name and character in a negative way referring to me as a "vagabond candidate," however, the results from the primary election proves that Evansville wants something different and I accept the challenge.

As I mentioned earlier during my campaign run for the primary election, I will stay my path and not seek endorsement from the chairman of the Vanderburg County GOP Republican Party.

I will continue to take a grassroots approach and run my campaign for the PEOPLE. Together, we will finish our course "Making Sure Evansville Is Not Left Out."

Evansville Courier & Press
"Candidate faces scrutiny . . . denies child-support debt"

On Thursday, May 11, 2007, three days after a victorious win during the May 08, 2007 Primary Election, I received a telephone call from a local staff writer boasting about a story he was ready to print concerning my own personal matter of owing an alleged outstanding amount of $13,142.31 in child support arrearage.
First of all any father who has been divorced and remarry, support their biological children and also support an extended family in a new marriage should never feel ashamed or embarrassed if they lack the proper funds to support their child due to hardship, job loss, etc. This is a nationwide issue both in the formal and informal sector of society.
Second point, I would like to address is that my income taxes are taken every year to pay towards the child support arrearage and I have no problem with this arrangement. My sixteen year old teen is growing up in a healthy environment in the house that I own, with his mother, step-father, and other siblings. Between the two annual salaries of my ex-wife and her husband, together gross over eighty thousand a year. My child support payments go directly to an agency in the state of Michigan. Perhaps the state of Indiana should consider what other states are doing, by collecting income tax returns for child support debts owed by so-called dead beat dads, reducing the overcrowding of jails by releasing men to work so that they can support their children. Third point, I have a wonderful relationship with my sixteen year old teen. We communicate by phone, and I receive update reports from his school concerning his grades and progress in school. I strive daily to set a good example for my teen and I hope that by me running as a candidate for mayor in the City of Evansville, it will encourage him to reach his fullest potential in life.
Final point I would like to make and certainly not the least, I love my wife (Sonya) and I thank her for all of the support she continues to give me. When you have a few minutes read her blogger to see the primary election results of her run for City Council At Large. Visit
Yes, I do owe child support arrearage. It is not a scrutiny as the newspaper staff writer quoted with misinformed information, it is a reality. This has been a sixteen-year long-term process and it will continue should my child decide to go to college.
I support any woman who seeks justice in child support, however, fathers need fairness as well.
Paternity Fraud is a big concern, blood test fees, court fees, attorney fees are even a greater concern both in the formal and informal sector of society. Visit website
This is a personal matter and I do not expect to place my burden on the shoulders of the local GOP Republican Party, nor the PEOPLE of Evansville. I will continue to handle this personal matter as always . . . on my own.
Thank you.
David J. Nixon
Candidate for Mayor
Paid for by the Committee to Vote Nixon for Mayor