Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Response to November 16-29, 2007 Our Times Newspaper

"Nixon's color had nothing to do with Republican non-support" Written by sml.
Response to comments by Kelley Coures of Evansville

Dear Friend,

I read your November 16-29, 2007 editorial entitled "Nixon's color had nothing to do with Republican non-support" with a response written by Kelley Coures of Evansville and I have a few comments. When you find some time, read the Evansville Courier & Press article "Ex-wife cries foul on child support," written by Kate Braser, June 20, 2007.
Although I cannot comment on the sensitive nature of my child support case in Michigan, I will share the following thoughts. Due to the high volume of harassment me and my family have encountered, mail tampering, and the numerous phone calls made by individuals from Evansville calling to the state of Michigan throughout my entire campaign run as a candidate for mayor, most recently the week of November 12, 2007, has opened the door to an investigation.
Mr. Coures along with others is being considered. I do not know nor at anytime have I met or spoken with Mr. Coures regarding my child support case in Michigan for him to make any comments in your newspaper on the matter. It is to my understanding that he is so-called "Special" to the Evansville Courier & Press, however, he is not an attorney handling my case; neither is he a City or County Clerk.
In my own opinion, he is a primary example of someone who fits into the category of "Low Synergetic Society." This group of individuals are of a closed mind system with other insecure people who tend toward suspiciousness, restlessness and clannishness; their belief system is punishing, and they have a psychologically and mental illness.
I received a letter from The Indiana Republican Party Chairman. It reads as follow:
"Dear David,
On behalf of the Indiana Republican State Committee, I would like to thank you. I fully understand the time and energy you put into your campaign. It takes someone special to put their name on a ballot, knock on doors, and make phone calls, and raise the money necessary to wage a competitive campaign. I know how difficult your campaign was and how hard you worked. You have made many friends and admirers. Thanks for everything you have done. The Indiana Republican Party depends on folks like you to carry our message. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for your tremendous efforts this year. God Bless.
Sincerely, J. Murray Clark, Chairman
P.S. Please don't hesitate to contact us if we can ever be of assistance to you."
The Indiana Republican Party is a primary example that fits into the category of "High Synergetic Society." This group tends to be helpful, friendly, and generous. Their belief system is comforting and power is used to benefit the whole community, and they are psychologically healthy. (SOURCE: Third Edition, Managing Cultural Differences "High Performance Strategies for a New World of Business" page 312-313, by Philip R. Harris and Robert T. Moran)
I do not have time to throw stones. I believe my message of "Synergy" reached many people and I have gained many friends.
I want to thank everyone who voted for me as a Republican candidate for mayor. The race may have ended, but we must continue the course.

David J. Nixon, 2007 Candidate for Mayor

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Response Letter to Editor in Sunday's Evansville Courier & Press Newspaper - October 07, 2007
"Here are questions for city candidates"
By David Brown, Evansville

1) What action can and will the city take in reference to the numerous corner houses that are boarded up on Garvin Street from Riverside Drive to Walnut Street?

  • I have toured these areas in our community and it is an eyesore view. If elected your next mayor, we will explore the possibility to see if the property can be reconstructed. Second, if the property cannot be revitalized, we will look at new smart growth development for the areas and raze the boarded properties replacing them with new low income complex units for veterans, the disabled and adult teens.

2) What proposals do you have to prevent abandoned houses due to skyrocketing property taxes?

  • If elected your next mayor, our goal will be to reduce property taxes from twice a year to once a year.

3) What plan do you have to lure economic growth besides tax abatement's?

  • The word lure in your question disturbs me. It means to entice, seduce, bait, temptation, come-on and decoy. If elected your next mayor, our goal is to develop workforce expansion to individuals throughout our communities who have talents. I believe that every human being has potential to open a new local business as a group development synergistic collaboration team for the common good in our city.

4) Do you plan to bring shelter houses at public parks up to standards, such as bringing electrical services up to code and replacing damaged screens?

  • Yes, being a former military man with over twenty years of experience in safety and security matters, if elected your next mayor, it will be a priority to reconstruct the shelter houses, replace damaged screens, and upgrade electrical services at public parks bringing them ALL up to code in the 21st Century.

5) Do you see a priority in making sure that the levee is secure by the water treatment plant where water seeps up through the ground during high river stages?

  • Yes, making sure the levee is secured in every aspect is important. I have skills as a grant writer, and I am not afraid to ask for the help. If elected your next mayor, we will seek the necessary grant programs available for water treatment and natural resources for our city. Our challenge that we are faced with is land soil erosion. It will take a special team of experts to address our concerns with water that seeps through the ground during high river stages. This is a priority matter and we will take action.

6) Would you support a state initiative for a large tax increase on all alcohol sales to help prevent alcohol consumption by teens and to fund health insurance for uncovered Hoosiers?

  • Are we not taxed enough? If elected your next mayor, we will seek other alternative solutions to help prevent alcohol consumption by teens.
  • Yes, I would support a program that covers insurance to ALL uninsured people in our city and state.

7) What are yours or the city's intentions for all the properties that have been acquired Downtown?

  • If elected your next mayor, our goal is to fill all acquired Downtown properties with new businesses.

8) Can we expect less money being spent to get consultant's opinions and instead have that money used for the projects we already know that need to be done?

  • Absolutely. If elected your next mayor, I am in agreement with you to reduce consultant opinions from an outside source for our city. It will be a priority to use the money for projects we know need action taken to get the job done.

9) Is it your intent to make our city government offices available to the public such as being able to call any of the city offices and actually be able to talk to a human instead of an answering machine?

  • Yes, if elected your next mayor, you will talk to a human and not an answering machine. It is time for the nonsense to stop. It will be a priority to be responsible, handle one-self in a professional manner and illustrate friendly-customer courtesy to ALL people who live in our city.

10) It is obvious that the trash containers provided by the city are not preventing litter and property eyesores in the areas where the pilot program was implemented, and the heavy trash pickup program hasn't been taken advantage of by many property owners. Therefore, what will you implement to correct these problems?

  • If elected your next mayor, we will review the current pilot program to see what needs to be amended to the original proposal for property eyesores in various areas of our city.
  • We will sit one on one with property owners and take action to find out what is the problem with the current program in place for heavy trash pickup, and reconstruct the program if necessary.

Thank you.

David J. Nixon, Candidate for Mayor

Paid for by the Committee to Vote Nixon for Mayor

Monday, September 24, 2007

2007 Candidate Survey Questionnaire

Response to The Chamber of Commerce of Southwestern Indiana:

Dear Friend,

I received a 2007 Candidate Survey Questionnaire on August 14Th, from The Chamber of Commerce of Southwestern Indiana. The Government Affairs Committee is surveying candidates running for municipal offices in Southwest Indiana. Their primary purpose is to educate business people in the region about my position on issues important to me. I want you to understand by me completing the survey and returning it no later than 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 5Th does not mean that I have their endorsement in the race. (Visit my blogger at

Here is my response on issues that are important to me for the citizens of Evansville/Mt. Vernon:

1) What are your top 3 priorities as a candidate for office?

Workforce Development:
  • Creating new job training programs for veterans, non-union workers and homeless citizens.
  • Improved senior citizens work programs.
  • Reform to Society job opportunity for reentry citizens.

Health Care:

  • 100 % percent access to health care for veterans and the disabled. (Men/Women)
  • Adopt-A-Veteran New Initiative Program (Partial payment shared cost support for clients who need a wheelchair, and artificial limbs)
  • Discount for medicine cost.

Education - Literacy Development:

  • Computer Technology
  • Medical Care Language Terms & Meanings
  • Bilingual Language Development

2) As Mayor/Member of City Council, what are your plans to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Evansville/Mt. Vernon?

It is difficult to focus my attention on spending money on new buildings when people are hurting in our communities. If elected your next mayor, my plans to enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Evansville/Mt. Vernon are as follow:

  • Reduce property taxes from twice a year to once a year.
  • Support better benefits for our police officers and their family.
  • Create better housing programs for veterans, disabled and homeless individuals.

3) With the ongoing discussions of solving the property tax crisis in Indiana, how can municipalities ensure efficient and cost-effective measures at the local level?

  • In order to ensure efficient and cost-effective measures at the local level, property taxes will become a citywide tax combining city, and county together for the citizens of Evansville/Mt. Vernon. This will lighten property tax assessment from twice a year to once a year. It will be equally dissolved under the authority of the city giving the mayor and the city council members equal support on how the city taxes will be defined.

To alleviate taxpayer burden and streamline leadership, would you be in favor of unifying local units of government?

  • No, I am not in favor of unifying local units of governments. To ease taxpayer burden and streamline leadership, I would seek a resolution tax percentage break; meaning property owners would receive a tax relief based on creating a statutory city tax ordinance.

4) As economic development becomes increasingly competitive on the regional and state level, how best can our local leaders assist in the attraction of new business and retention and expansion of local companies?

  • Link a coalition of supported businesses together.
  • Conduct a survey on why local companies leave our city.
  • Promote nationwide diversity and global marketing incentives for new businesses re-locating to Evansville/Mt. Vernon areas.
  • Encourage local companies to offer new importing/exporting, communications, and medical technology business opportunities and services in our city.

5) As a municipal leader, how do you view your role in handling issues of regional importance to Southwest Indiana?

  • As your next mayor, I seek a better association between our city and other cities and states.
  • Establish improved management, and daily operations.
  • Provide better community infrastructure, prevention and strategic planning.

Thank you.

David J. Nixon, Candidate for Mayor

Paid for by the Committee to Vote Nixon for Mayor

Response to Vanderburgh County Right to Life

2007 Candidate Survey

Dear Friend,

I received a 2007 Candidate Survey on July 25Th from Vanderburgh County Right to Life. Their primary purpose is to inform constituents of my beliefs on issues of concern regarding Right to Life. Although I missed the response deadline of August 3rd, I want to share my point of view with you on issues that are important.

Please understand by me sharing my opinions on the matter of Right to Life does not mean that I have their endorsement in the race. (Visit my blogger at

Here is my belief and response to some of the questions asked on the Right to Life Candidate Survey:

1) Do you support Indiana's informed consent law that requires that women considering abortion be given facts on the risks of abortion, information on alternatives to abortion, and information on fetal development, through in-person consultation performed at least 18 hours prior to an abortion?

  • Although I cannot write the entire Senate Bill No. 172 due to its lengthy contents on my blog, I encourage all voters to visit Billwatch Indiana and click on SB172 to understand more about the issue like I did regarding informed consent law.

The Digest of Introduced Bill reads as follow: Citations Affected: IC 16-34-2-1.1 Synopsis: Information to a pregnant woman before an abortion. Provides that informed consent to an abortion includes the requirement that a physician inform a pregnant woman that a fetus might feel pain. Provides that notice must be given in writing at least 18 hours before an abortion concerning the availability of adoptions, concerning physical risks to the woman in having an abortion, and stating that human physical life begins when a human egg fertilizes a human ovum. (Word changed to "egg" was necessary due to Internet users being sensitive to words and meanings that may seem offensive on blogger)

  • Yes, according to Senate Bill No. 172, I do support informing a pregnant woman be given the detailed facts on the risks of abortion, information on alternatives, fetal development and in-person consultation.

2) Do you support federal law that prohibits partial-birth abortion, the procedure that kills a living child during delivery?

  • Yes, I do support federal law that prohibits partial birth abortion according to IC 16-32-2-1 that reads as follow:

IC 16-34-2-1 Required circumstances of legal abortion. Sec. 1 (b) A person may not knowingly or intentionally perform a partial birth abortion unless a physician reasonably believes that: (1) performing the partial birth abortion is necessary to save the mother's life; and (2) no other medical procedure is sufficient to save the mother's life.

As added by P.L. 2-1993, SEC. 17. Amended by P.L. 145-1997, SEC. 2.

3) Do you support Indiana law that requires the licenser and inspection of Indiana abortion clinics, and requirements that abortion clinics meet basic health and safety standards?

  • The Digest of Introduced Senate Bill No. 221 reads as follow:

Citations Affected: IC 16-21-2-2.5 Synopsis: Rules of birthing centers and abortion clinics. Requires that state department of health to establish physical plant specifications for birthing centers and abortion clinics requires the state department to notify the administrative rules oversight committee if the state department cannot establish the physical plant specifications for abortion clinics before April 1, 2008. Requires abortion clinics to meet the state department of health physical plan specifications before July 1, 2011. Effective: Upon passage, KRUSE January 8, 2007 read first time and referred to Committee on Health and Provider Services.

  • Yes, according to Senate Bill 221, I support the Indiana law that requires the state department of health physical plan specifications before July 1, 2011.

4) Do you support conscience clause legislation that would give pharmacists the right to refuse filling prescriptions to be used to cause chemical abortions?

  • Yes, I would support a conscience clause legislation that would give pharmacists the right to refuse filling prescriptions to be used to cause chemical abortions. Health and safety are important to preserve the life of a pregnant woman.

5) Would you oppose any attempts to change the current Indiana standard of teaching abstinence-only education in public schools by replacing it with so-called "comprehensive" coitus education that includes among other things, teaching Indiana school children how to use safeguard and other birth control? (Word change was necessary due to Internet users being sensitive to words and meanings that may seem offensive on blogger)

  • I believe in parent involvement in public schools. I would encourage parents, guardians and grandparents to participate along with the student during the teachings of comprehensive education learning in the classroom.
  • I believe that the Indiana standards of teaching abstinence should always have an open door policy for amendments. We need to stay up to date as our youth continue to change their standards relating to issues of abstinence.

6) Do you support current Indiana law that bans assisted suicide?

  • Yes, I do.

7) Do you support a ban on all efforts to clone human embryos?

  • Yes, I do support a ban on all efforts to clone human embryos.

8) Do you support a ban on research using the stem cells from intentionally destroyed human embryos, instead encouraging stem cell research using non-destructive stem cell sources such as umbilical cord blood?

  • Yes, I support a ban on all efforts of human embryo stem cell research.
  • I am in agreement with IC 16-34-2-6 Experiments performed on aborted fetus prohibited. SEC. 6. No experiments except pathological examinations may be conducted on any fetus aborted under the chapter, nor may any fetus so aborted be transported out of Indiana for experimental purposes. A person who conducts such an experiment or so transport such a fetus commits a Class A misdemeanor.

As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC. 17.

9) Do you support enforcing penalties as prescribed in Indiana law for abortion clinics, "family planning" clinics, or other entities who fail to report, as required by Indiana law, any child under the age of 14 who evidences child abuse? (Word change was necessary due to Internet users sensitive to words and meanings that may seem offensive to blogger)

  • What Indiana law are you referring to enforcing penalties? I am looking at IC 16-34-2-4. I have no comment at this time.

10) Are you opposed to using taxpayer funding to pay for elective abortions?

  • Yes.

11) Do you support legislation that clarifies that human life begins at fertilization, when a human ovum is fertilized by a human egg? (Word changed to "egg" was necessary due to Internet users sensitive to words and meanings that may seem offensive on blogger)

  • I am in agreement with IC 16-16-34-1-1 Childbirth preferred. SEC. 1. Childbirth is preferred, encouraged, and supported over abortion. As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC. 17.

12) Do you support legislation requiring that women considering abortion be informed that an unborn child may feel pain during an abortion?

  • Yes, I support Senate Bill No. 172 that a physician informs a pregnant woman that a fetus might feel pain.

13) Would you refuse to personally campaign for, or support a candidate for public office who supports abortion on demand?

  • Yes, I would refuse to personally campaign for, or support a candidate for public office who supports abortion on demand.
  • I am in agreement with IC 16-34-1-2 Public funds; payment restricted. SEC. 2. Neither the state nor any political subdivision of the state may make a payment from any fund under its control for the performance of an abortion unless the abortion is necessary to preserve the life of the pregnant woman. As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC. 17.

14) Under what circumstances do you believe abortion should be legal?

____Abortion should never be legal

____To save the life of the mother only

____To save the life of the mother, rape and incest

____If the child is determined to have mental or physical disabilities

____Abortion should be legal in all cases

  • I support IC 16-34-1-1 Childbirth preferred. SEC. 1 Childbirth is preferred, encouraged, and supported over abortion. As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC. 17.

Thank you.

David J. Nixon, Candidate for Mayor

Paid for by the Committee to Vote Nixon for Mayor

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Response to Tri State Alliance

Candidate Survey 2007

Dear Friend,
I received a candidate survey from Tri State Alliance which is preparing a voters guide for the upcoming elections. It is to my understanding that the voters guide will be distributed to those interested in civil rights issues. I want you to understand that by me completing the survey does not mean I have Tri State Alliance endorsement in the race. Visit my blogger at
Here is my response on issues regarding the GLBT orientation of Evansville. (Word change from "___ orientation" to "GLBT orientation" was necessary due to Internet users being sensitive to words and meanings that may seem offensive on blogger)
1) If elected will you make a non discrimination pledge that includes GLBT orientation in the areas of city employment and the provision of city services as a candidate for office?
  • No, I would not make a personal non discrimination promise, however, if elected your next mayor, I will make every effort to make sure that the GLBT orientation who are city employed will have employment protection, improved promotion on the job, and have an equal opportunity for pay increase.

2) If proposed, would you support an ordinance or law that would add GLBT orientation to the categories on which city employees are not discriminated against?

  • Yes, if elected your next mayor, I would support an ordinance or law according to the Employment Non Discrimination Act (ENDA), that would protect city employees. Although "ENDA" does not include the GLBT orientation in its protected class of people, I will make every effort to support an ordinance to included city employees of the GLBT orientation as well.

3) Would you support a change in policy that would allow unmarried persons who are city employees to pay full price for city insurance coverage for their domestic partner?

  • There is a current federal law in place called the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which is controlling health insurance eligibility.
  • If elected your next mayor, I would consider seeking improved domestic partnership benefits including Long Term Care Insurance, improved Medicaid policies, and Family Medical Leave Act for persons who are city employees as well as of the GLBT orientation and their domestic partner.

4) Will you support diversity cultural competency training for all city employees that would include GLBT orientation?

  • Yes, if elected your next mayor, I would support a diversity cultural fitness alternative training program for all city employees including GLBT orientation. It is very important that city employees are comfortable. I would make the diversity cultural fitness programs an alternative choice, not enforcement.

5) Why should voters concerned about GLBT issues vote for you?

  • Being an African American man in this city we have similar issues. I am discriminated against because of the color of my skin, and the GLBT orientation is discriminated against because of their life style choice.
  • GLBT orientations are faced with emotional distress, harassment, defamation, and wrongful termination, just like I am faced with wrongful termination because the color of my skin is black. Finally, defamation (saying bad things about you that damage your reputation), I too, face the same issues on a daily basis.
  • You are faced with housing discrimination, higher rent, and larger security deposit. I too, face the same issues.
  • If elected your next mayor, I seek to improve the relations of diversity, including alternative life style choice acceptance in our city and communities, "Making Sure Evansville Is Not Left Out."

Thank you.

David J. Nixon, Candidate for Mayor

Paid for by the Committee to Vote Nixon for Mayor

Friday, July 27, 2007


A Republican You Can Trust

Dear Friend,

My name is David J. Nixon candidate for mayor in the City of Evansville. I believe that I am a good communicator, defender of workforce development, supporter of community health care, education, and small businesses.

I strive to be a good leader who guides, oversees, understand the importance of diversity, directs the course and actions of our city, its school districts, appreciate teachers, seek better housing development programs for our veterans, the disabled, individuals and families who are homeless, and senior citizens. I appreciate and respect the views and opinions of others. I am approachable, I do have a sense of humor, and accept criticism.
I am a native of Tuscumbia, Alabama, graduated from Deshler High School, and attended Jacksonville State University. I entered the Armed services, and attended Austin Peay University in the state of Tennessee, where I studied Administration, and became certified from the school of Atlanta Institute in Sales and Management. After returning home from serving in the US Army School of Business and Management, I received a Personnel Administrative Degree, completed a 45-hour course and was certified at the Alabama Real Estate Commission.
The majority of my professional instructional training in leadership is attributed to the United States Army Reserve/School of Administration, with a degree of Associates of Science and Business Administration/Personnel Management, Fort McCoy, Wisconsin. I was trained in the following military courses: Front Line Retention Leadership Program, Officer Personnel Management School, Personnel Management Basics, Administrative Specialist School (7IL), and Personnel Administrative Specialist Training (75B).
I was hired as the Resident Life Director and Student Service Counselor at Northwest Shoals Community College in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Awarded the Colbert County Alternative School Teacher of the Year at Northwest Shoals Community College.
To continue reading about my educational background visit:
  • Married, six adult children, and two grandchildren


  • 20 years Military Service (Infantry and Administration, Accounting, Logistic NCO Planning)
  • Businessman and consultant
  • Finance management and strategic planning
  • Grant Writer
  • Motivational speaker (Education & Alternative Learning for at risk youth)


  • Economic Development (Keeping our city debt-free)
  • Workforce Enhancement (Keep people employed)
  • Reduction in property taxes and small businesses from twice a year to once a year
  • Support more suitable benefits for police officers
  • Provide better meals and nutrition care services for senior citizens
  • Housing Development (Better housing for the disabled, veterans, and homeless)
  • Revitalization (Support Annexation, Eminent Domain, and Consolidation)
  • Medical Health Care Support
  • Support initiative programs for youth that have mental illness
  • Offer better community service dentistry programs for uninsured individuals

Senator Alan MacGregor Cranston created the "Cranston-Gonzales National Affordable Housing Act." (HUD Project) It is a supportive program designed for persons with disabilities. He was born on June 19, 1914 and he died on December 31, 2000.

Although he was a Democrat, we have a common cause, an unwavering determination. Senator Cranston used this Chinese quote as a guide for leadership.

A quote by the Chinese Philosopher

(American Translation)


A leader is best

When people barely know

That he exists,

Less good when

They obey and acclaim him,

Worse when

They fear and despise him.

Fail to honor people

And they fail to honor you.

But of a good leader,

When his work is done,

His aim fulfilled, they will all say,

"We did this ourselves."

Tao Te Ching

Written by Lao-Tzu

From a translation by S. Mitchell

Last updated 20 July 1995

Chapter 17

When the Master governs,

the people are hardly

aware that he exists.

Next best is a leader

who is loved.

Next, one who is feared.

The worst is one who is


If you don't trust the


You make them untrustworthy.

The Master doesn't talk,

he acts.

When his work is done,

the people say, "Amazing

we did it, all by


I would like to be elected as your next Mayor and offer my professional leadership skills to the people of Evansville, however, it will not happen without your vote in November 06, 2007. If you have not registered to vote, I urge you to register today. Your vote does count!

I have experience in government. I had the honor of working for the former governor in the State of Michigan, and held a position as Sergeant At Arms in the Capitol in Lansing, Michigan. I ran for governor in the State of Michigan in 2002, received four-(4) State of Michigan Special Tributes for outstanding community services with my business "Young Gentlemen and Women (YG/W), awarded "Teacher of the Year" at a junior college, and I am a veteran and very proud to have served my country in the military for over twenty-(20) years.

I believe in UNITY and working together for a better Evansville. I want to make sure that Evansville Is Not Left Out!

The EXTERIOR of our city looks great; however, the INTERIOR of our city has an EYE-SORE-VIEW in certain areas throughout the communities. People are hurting, losing their jobs, homes, and businesses.

I have been taught and trained by the very best MINDS in our beloved country "AMERICA." I have the WISDOM of a governor, the INSTRUCTION, WILL POWER and ENDURANCE of a mayor to help manage our city and keep it debt-free.

I want a guarantee that the YOUTH, COLLEGE GRADS, BLUE COLLAR WORKERS, the SINGLE PARENT FAMILIES, HOMELESS FAMILIES, UNEMPLOYED, SENIOR CITIZENS, VETERANS, and YOU, the people of Evansville will stay included with the plans, development, and healthy growth of our city.

Please send me your concerns and comments:

Again, my friend, I am David J. Nixon candidate for mayor. Remember, 1974 is no more! I am a Republican that you can trust.

Thank you.


Response to Our Times Newspaper
Article entitled June 15-28, 2007 "Nothing to be ashamed of . . . How White Power treats the poor when choosing to be our leaders"
Written by sml
Dear Friend,
I read your editorial entitled "Nothing to be ashamed of . . . How White Power treats the poor when choosing to be our leaders," and I have a few comments.
When you find some time you will discover that the Evansville Courier & Press is not the only newspaper as well as Our Times Newspaper promoting voter intimidation, misinformed, and personal attacks regarding my character as a candidate for mayor. (USA, June 04, 2007 and June 14, 2007, Taking Down Words (TWD), blogger by Jennifer Wagner (Democrat) Communications Director for the Indiana Democratic Party, "Danger Zone: Nixon Gets Early Nod for Worst Mayoral Candidate of 2007 . . . Evansville Republican Mayoral Candidate David Nixon is the political gift that . . . Fort Wayne Newspaper - The News Sentinel, "Republican distress in Evansville," May 29, 2007)
I do not consider myself "poor" as you refer to my character in your editorial. I consider myself blessed, and live a modest life with my family. In addition, you quoted saying "No one should be ashamed of Nixon's candidacy. Most notably, the Black voters and the Republican Party."
I would like for the most notably, Black voters and the Republican Party in our community to know that . . . I am not ashamed of YOU either;
  • When you sat at the table with so-called "White Power" urging them to disregard my qualifications as executive director for the C.K. Newsome Community Center.
  • When you sat at the table with so-called "White Power" to have my family and me ousted from our residence.
  • When you sat at the table with so-called "White Power" to have my funds monitored in secret at the bank for my small business.
  • When you sat at the table with so-called "White Power" and classified me as "crazy" and a "con artist."

No, most notably, Blacks in our community, I am not ashamed of you either.

Although my family and I have experienced ill-natured treatment from many in the Black community and marked by a letter of lies circulated since 2004, in both Black and White community churches, my wife and I continue to help individuals get work, find places for the homeless to live, write grants for non profit organizations in our city, consult small businesses and help them become legit.

I was given the name "con artist." I took the time to look up the word "con artist," in Wikipedia. Some were quoted in your editorial as saying they think that I am a "con man." I would like to let your dedicated readers of Our Times Newspaper know what the word means. (A confidence trick or confidence game, also known as a con, scam, swindle, grift, bunko, or flim flam, is an attempt to intentionally mislead a person or persons known as a mark, usually with the goal of financial or other gain.) For confidence tricks dealing with information theft or computers read social engineering.

I suggest that those individuals who think that I am a "con man," examine their own character to see if any of the above-mentioned character traits describe themselves. I believe that what you say from your mind-thought is what is in your own heart.

This is my first time running as a candidate for mayor, and the May 8th, 2007 Primary Election illustrates that PEOPLE want something different in the leadership for Evansville. I am most grateful to everyone who voted for me. Visit my blogger at to learn more about me. I am confident that I am the right fit for THE PEOPLE and citizens of Evansville, and I look forward to meeting you at the upcoming event "UNOE: Candidates Night," with Channel 25 WEHT, on September 27, 2007, 6:00 PM at the Red Cross Building, Evansville, Indiana.

I am not running my campaign to line my pockets as quoted in your editorial. I am a candidate running for mayor for THE PEOPLE, "Making sure Evansville is not left out." If elected your next mayor, I will have top of the line experts handle our finances and budgets for the city. I will work closely with our city attorney's, and council members. I will attend city council meetings making sure that monies earmarked for our city and county projects will accomplish their goals.

At present, I do not have the support from the local GOP Party, nor do I have the support from many ELITE Blacks in the formal sector of our city. I want them ALL to know that it is okay. I will continue to run my campaign for mayor grassroots. However, I would like to thank all of the faith based organizations, small businesses, and individuals of ALL colors who do support my campaign. They keep me encouraged and tell me to continue to stand, and for that I am grateful.

I will not allow so-called "White Power" media to start a KU (Coo), between me and my brothers and sisters in Black news. I will only do live television and radio broadcast shows, so that THE PEOPLE can hear my point of view what concerns them. I take my campaign serious and will continue to run as a candidate for mayor.

Yes, I do have flaws in my life, most leaders do. One good example I can think of are the lives of our present, and past five presidents of the United States. I am not a criminal, and I ask that the news media stop trying to portray me as one.

Politics and the way we do business with the world is changing everyday. I am not the only Black citizen in Evansville that has dealt with ill-natured treatment when it comes to a man or woman regardless of their skin color run for an office. We ALL have flaws in our lives.

I will leave you with this quote - The poor man does not get into a rage. "The poor man cannot afford to take umbrage at those who are better supplied with this world's goods, and on whose charity he may be dependent." Ashanti Proverb, by R.S. Rattray, #67-#69.

Thank you.

David J. Nixon, Candidate for Mayor

Paid for by the Committee to Vote Nixon for Mayor

Response to Evansville Courier & Press
Article entitled Monday, June 04, 2007 "Nixon solicited money."
Written by Thomas Langhorne

Mr. Langhorne,

After reading your article there appears to be a document flowing around regarding me and a job I applied for in 2006, as superintendent for Evansville/Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC).

I thought perhaps that you would be interested in reading a letter I received from BWP Associates regarding the position.

Instead of illustrating my character and qualifications in a negative light to dedicated readers of the Evansville Courier & Press, why don't you spend some quality time and do research on some of the local GOP's background and their personal lives. I am confident to say that you would SIGH, at some of their background misfortune and what they have been through in pursuit of happiness.

If you take the time out to reflect on the personal lives of our present, and former five presidents of the United States, you can relate to what I am saying. We ALL have flaws in our lives and no one is perfect.

I cannot name one person in life who has not been through tough times including some of the members of the local GOP Republican Party. Remember the 2005 tornado that devastated the people in our community, and the heavy rainstorms that caused flooding in 2006? We are ALL just a paycheck away from being homeless, in need, and seeking help.

Mr. Langhorne, you continue to mention the child support obligation I have in Michigan. Please visit to get better acquainted with the support that fathers like me who are not dead beat dads are getting in the state of Michigan. If elected mayor, I would like to adopt a similar program here in Evansville to help both fathers and mothers concerning child support issues.

I received a legal document from BWP Associates regarding the superintendent position explaining the decision that EVSC desired. It is to my understanding that my name and information package submitted in 2006, was not considered for an interview.

My point that I am making is that EVSC school board members has chosen the individual they want that fits into their comfort zone. Please be assured that I believe that he will do a great job and represent the school district well. Also, I agree with Attorney Massey and County Clerk Kirk, it was a job that I could apply for and not have to campaign for the position. I did just that, applied for the position.

In addition, County Clerk Kirk, quoted saying "Legally, it's just like a beggar on the street, saying he'll work for food." It's the same difference. I have toured our city in Evansville, and I have seen veterans hold up signs that read "Hungry, will work for food." We ALL should be ashamed to allow our veterans to be looked upon as a beggar. Legally, I am a veteran and I am not a beggar. If I need help, I will ask. That is what the city of Evansville should be about HELPING each other.

I believe that THE PEOPLE want a mayor who is not afraid to ask for HELP when it is needed. I believe THE PEOPLE want a mayor who is a good listener, will offer better community programs and services, and will take action to make sure that things happen for the betterment of our city and THE PEOPLE.

For example:
  • If THE PEOPLE who are homeowners, and operate small businesses want to see a reduction in property taxes from twice a year to once a year, I WILL ASK for the HELP to make it happen.
  • If our police force need more suitable benefits, equipment, computers, firearms, and other needs to provide better safety to our communities, I WILL ASK for the HELP to help aid our police officers.
  • If THE PEOPLE want better housing for the disabled, veterans, and homeless, I WILL ASK for the HELP for improved housing programs.
  • If senior citizens want better meals delivered to them, I WILL ASK for the HELP to provide better nutrition care services.
  • If THE PEOPLE want support for dentistry services for uninsured individuals, I WILL ASK for the HELP to fund the program.
  • If THE PEOPLE want programs for youth that have mental illness, I WILL ASK for the HELP to support medical program services.

You cannot be afraid to ASK FOR HELP when you need it. If elected your next mayor, I will ASK FOR THE HELP, "Making sure that Evansville is not left out."

If elected as your next mayor, I want the public to know that my personal obligation with child support arrearage in Michigan, will not be a burden placed on the shoulders of THE PEOPLE or the city of Evansville.

I am qualified in strategic planning and budgeting. It is to my understanding that the city of Evansville is debt-free. I will focus on the economic growth and continue to keep our city debt-free as your mayor.

I read a book daily that is more popular than our mayor. I will continue to look UP, and not around.

Thank you.

David J. Nixon, Candidate for Mayor

Paid for by the Committee to Vote Nixon for Mayor